Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Update 02/13/13

Hey everybody, just a quick update. I am going to start up again with my daily posts but I am more going to focus on the things that I wear everyday. I more want to make this blog super fun and anything that I find interesting or cool I would love to share with you. I've made this decision because I was finding it extremely difficult to come up with a different look each and every day, meaning like a really crazy fun one as I would call it, I still will do those but I want it to be more sporatic like I would normally do with my makeup. I think it will just give you more insight into who I am and what I truly can create. Also I would love it if you would check out my newest blog post on the website it is my section of a blog that I am doing with a friend of mine, I would totally love to know what you guys think. Anyways I'm sure I just wrote your ear off. See you all tomorrow and I can't wait to be uploading again. :)

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